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The malevolent mansion of evil

The malevolent

really cool idea, how long did it take you to make the thing ?

i'm not usually into the shooters genre, but i actually had a lot of fun with this game. it was just challenging enough to feel like i accomplished something when i beat it, which is a plus as someone bad at shooting. really neat concept that was well executed. kudos!

Thank you.

had fun then laptop said STOP lol   

ist a peak

Thank you.

The malevolent mansion of evil

The malevolent mansion of evil

The mansion
(1 edit)

Your game is very fun but it still has bugs. For me, it's not bad. It's very fun.

Thank you.


A very mysterious game, congratulations to the creators of this game, it keeps you in suspense, I would like to ask the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, greetings to the creators from Spain!!

Thank you.

nice game !

Thank you.

Absolutely brilliant game. Did encounter a bug where the enemies would be immune to damage and stop moving before resuming moving and taking damage normally again.

The malevolent

my only issue is i wanted more, love the idea, really reminds me of an old xbox style game. the only bug i really encountered was a werewolf started breakdancing after killing it witch was amuzing. over all im guna be checking out the rest of your games now.

Thank you.

The malevolent mansion

I wanted to let you know that when I picked up the first key I could not move my camera in a full circle, and had a permanent blind spot. I am on a Chrome browser and viewed the game in the browser. Thought you might want to know!

I really enjoyed this game! The boss battle was challenging and I had to try it a few times, but I got it and it didn't really take too long.

Thank you.

the game very good 

Thank you.

I liked this horror game 10/10, this game is like Escape the Ayuwoki.

Thank you.

I completed this game. It very good! 

Thank you.

Simple and fun. really enjoyed this!

Thank you.


10/10 game, great story telling, GOTY material (a must have for every gamer in 2024)

Thank you.

The malevolent mansion of evil

odlican video svidja mi se mikrofon

No puzzles, no deep story, just big guns and lots of ugly monsters to use them on. Really enjoyed this one, well done!

Thank you.

whats the gun engine called?

The malevolent mansion of evil

muito bom

Thank you.

Good games. Do you de them yourself? Do you have a team? How much time does it takes you to do them? I like that you just give limited amount of ammo and that is well managed.

Thank you.

The Malevolent Mansion of Evil Walkthrough

Thank you.

what game engine was this made in?

¿Qué software de creación de juegos usaste?


Full Horror Game

Thank you.

Hey friends hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed the game! 

Thank you.

The system is good, the picture is beautiful, but the game is a bit short.

Thank you.

THE MALEVOLENT MANSION OF EVIL: Han desaparecido muchas personas sin dejar rastro, pero un soldado contradiciendo las órdenes de sus superiores decide ir a investigar a una mansión que se sospecha tiene un laboratorio secreto subterráneo donde podrían tener a las personas desaparecidas, pero habrá algo más... Muchas gracias por el juego, saludos!!!


(1 edit)

A really fun shooter that would be made so much better by adding a jump key.

Thank you.

muito bom, gostei de mais!


eu que agradeço o pelo produto.... (conversa paralela) vc vc é espanhol ou é de outro paíz que fala espanhol? eu sou brasileiro e falo português mas todos os espanhóis que converso, conseguem intender o português e eu consigo entender o espanhol

Good game

Thank you.

nice shooter ! solid boomstick !  liked the mansion stage , can u remake clive barker undying mansion ? ^^  

played on potato celeron , game runs fine on 1366x768 with good graphics! 

maybe just a little more bullets would be golden! ;)


Thank you.

This Was Unexpected I Really Loved It Gunplay was smooth and intense.

Thank you.

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