An action first person shooter game set in time of Vietnam war.

A Sniper's Vengeance : The Story of Linh, set in the backdrop of the Vietnam War, follows the journey of Linh, a young girl who  joins the Vietnamese Army and trains to become a sniper, determined to avenge .

As players step into the shoes of Linh, they will experience a simple story line filled with intense action gameplay. The game offers a unique perspective on the war, as players witness it through the eyes of a female protagonist who is not only fighting for her country but also for her personal vendetta.

Game features

  • Intense and exciting shooter gameplay
  • Beautiful environment
  • Easy to pick up and play
PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(20 total ratings)
GenreAction, Shooter
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Female Protagonist, First-Person, FPS, Singleplayer, sniper, vietnam, War


Download 435 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and play.


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 Ребята, рад что вы живы. Хоть и почти все игрушки пососно-однотипные, но я... Получаю удовольствие от игры в них. Мои пожелания, чтобы вы попробовали всё же настроить интерфейс и облегчить игру, либо раскидать больше хилок, либо реген добавить, и чтобы не было мыльного поворота камеры, а чтоб, ну знаете, как в старых игрушках, резкость была... Короче, желаю удачи, Сила V Правде!

Это я написал до того как сыграл, по старой памяти. Но скажу так: проблемы с ИИ всё ещё остались, камера до сих пор мыльно двигается, что плохо, а с тенями не доработки, как по классике: их нету. Я бы советовал уже переходить на полноценный юнитэ и херачить полноценные подделки, чтобы хоть какое-то разнообразие было. Плюс, на уровне с открытыми полями, если не включить мозги, то можно заблудиться, что плохо, а снайперить снизу невозможно, из-за высокой травы, так и сверху, ибо есть вероятность провалиться сквозь текстуры (впрочем, из-за этого и пришлось переигрывать целый раунд, когда я хотел всех аккуратно снять с храма, залезши на выступ, но потом куда-то провалившись сквозь пол и умерев). Работайте!

Thank you.

A snipers vengeance

A snipers vengeance

A snipers vengeance

100/10 ngl its fun fr

Thank you.



Thank you.

amazing game and graphics. I LOVE the look of the sniper scope

Thank you.

so good, the way it looks is nice the sounds are good, just a good game.

Thank you.

fr bro fire game

Thank you.

A Sniper's Vengeance | Full Game no commentary

Thank you.


great game i enjoyed it a lot!


Thank you.

I enjoyed btw, cool

Thank you.

this game was nice but pls add mele and also increase the damage of enemies and add sliding. but the game himself is beautiful (nice forest map!)

Thank you.

no problem i highly support individual devs


Is there any way to reverse the Y-axis for the mouse? The game looks and plays amazing (I'm even running it in 4K), but I've been playing FPS games with reverse Y-axis on my mouse for 30 years now, and so it's baked into my head now. It's my own problem I know, but if there's a setting I could change anywhere, I'd be willing to try it. My mouse software won't do it. :-(

Anyway though, seriously, with a few more basic options like turning the music off and key re-binding etc., this game would be good enough that I'd pay for it. The guns sound great! And the graphics are FAR better than I expected. Keep up the fantastic work. I've been playing FPS games ever since Doom came out, and I love seeing great indie work like this!

Thank you.




Thank you.

your welcome, mr. hammergames

how do you double jump?



Are You Asking If I'm Autistic (If That's What You Mean)...... Yes I Am 

my bad bro i was being an ass and had a bad day so again, srry

A bit cliche but had fun. Love it.

Thank you.

if this were a full-length game i would pay any sum to play it.

Thank you.

ME 2

(1 edit) (-1)

What Hawk said. Short and bittersweet.


Great Game, Nice Mechanics, Overall a great game to play but one thing caught me off guard.

F22 RAPTOR????


BOEIMNG C-17?????

aint this game Vietnam themed?? but it was funny as hell seeing it i died of laughter. still good game though.



it is a Vietnam Themed Game , But the USA Invaded Vietnam, So The US weapons are canon.

But like, I mean, why would the US drag their expensive toys to an insurgent-filled country, which I note you, have limited use for and is exceptionally costly once lost ?

Take the Abrams (One thing more, no Abrams ever saw service in the Vietnam War, like just ever, cause they haven't been invented nor deployed yet till well over the 1980s).

What an Abrams is going to do, trekking through a mountainous, mud-filled, rasputitza-style tropical fauna, without reliable fuelling line though the forests to supply its movements, meanwhile actively serving itself and potentially the lives of a company of US Infantry to the Reaper of Traps or AK-47 ? 

Just a group of NVA hauling C4, or heaven forbids, mines, is enough to send a hundred million dollars of taxpayers money down the drain, and potentially 10 coffers to bring home. 

I can argue the same to C17. Worse, it saw service in the 1990s

And the Raptors.... (#1, servicing around 2000s) Second:...

Why ? You're not fighting a conventional army. The enemy does not have a real Air Force to speak of. Why bring a damn jet fighter ? To zip around like mosquito waiting ever-so-patiently for a VC MiGs ? Or to fall prey to hand-crank SAM ?

Great game, but historically speaking... 

LOL !!! I may laugh, but certainly some historians are having aneurysms !

yes, but this is probably set in the time vietnam was starting to claim victory

short but great game

Thank you.


losD same bro it makes me upset


Decent game not enough napalm


Ctrl for crouch is pretty terrible choice for the web version. W is forward. Ctrl+W closes the tab in Chrome (at least on Windows).

Any way to remap in the browser version? (no, I'm not going to not download and run a game from an unknown developer)


The Ctrl key is used to toggle the crouch mode and does not need to be held.


That doesn't really help. You're bound to hit them simultaneously sooner or later. 

As I did. Twice. 😑

you CAN press the c key in the browser version



Thank you.

lol, this studio makes good games!


Thank you.

fire game

Thank you.

Awesome game. I am really impressed.

Thank you.


I had low expectations, but honestly a pretty good game, and it's free!

Thank you.

Fun game!

Thank you.